Tuesday, November 30, 2004

A letter of apology

Here may be found a letter of apology.

I have a few items to add.

  • I'm sorry we suck up 80% of the world's resources, in exchange for 80% of the money the rest of the world receives.
  • I'm sorry we use those resources to produce more than 80% of the world's goods and services, including life-saving drugs and high-tech equipment.
  • I'm sorry the USA sheds 80% of the blood spilled in wars to free people from their own tyrants.
  • I'm sorry that the USA promotes and advocates such a high standard of conduct. It must emberass the living daylights out of so many countries when their own conduct falls short by such an amount that they don't even claim any interest in following it. I'm sorry we're among the few countries willing to even try to meet such a standard of conduct. I'm sorry that we, being human, fall short the sort of perfection so few even attempt.
  • I'm sorry the USA is such a horrible place that people spend all their resources, up to and including their lives, trying to get here from all those other countries to which this apology is sent.
  • I'm sorry the USA is willing to step forward and deal with bullies that leave the rest of the world trailing yellow liquid wherever they go.
  • I'm sorry the rest of the world, too frightened to express any anger to bullies, turn and call the USA a spoiled brat, and throw a temper tantrum and threaten to hold their breaths until we do what they want.
  • I'm sorry we had to be the first to set up a government conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
  • I'm sorry we need to fight in wars to ensure that this government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from this earth.

And to any who are offended by my apology or the one I linked to, I'm sorry you're such a crybaby.

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