Wednesday, November 17, 2004

It's the rhetoric, stupid!

Right now, Dennis Prager is talking about how the Democrats are planning to take a look at the issue of religious faith. To him, it appears as if they are planning to treat it as a matter of adopting the rhetoric of faith. It's not a matter of belief, merely appearances.

I keep being struck by the similarities between political True Believers and the Creationist (and lately, the Intelligent Design / Intelligent Origin Theory) movement.

When attempts to teach Creationism in science classes, the Creationists started promoting "Scientific Creationism". On examination, "Scientific Creationism" turns out to be nothing more than the Biblical account dressed up in scientific jargon.

Creationists seem to think that if they use the right kind of language – essentially putting a lab coat on their fairy tale – the high priesthood of science will allow them in to the inner circle. And now, the Democrat party seems to have decided if they use the right kind of language, the high priesthood of the electorate will allow them in to the inner circle.

They may be able to fool themselves, but I doubt they'll fool anyone else.

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