Sunday, November 07, 2004

How the Democrats elected Bush

Mark Steyn, writing in The Australian, explores the weaknesses of the Democrat platform.

The Michael Mooronification of the Democratic Party proved a fatal error. Moore is the chief promoter of what's now the received opinion of Bush among the condescending Left -- Chimpy Bushitler the World's Dumbest Fascist. There are some takers for this view, but not enough. By running a campaign fuelled by Moore's caricature of Bush, the Democrats were doomed to defeat.

As soon as the Democrats nominated Anybody-But-Bush, they were doomed. Given a choice between something and nothing, most people will choose something.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Well, hi there!

You wrote, "The Republicans have a larger support base. They can draw in moderate conservatives, as well as many on the radical Christian Right, and some on the Far Right."

Yes, the Repubicans appeal to a population centered much closer to the center of the population as a whole. On the other hand, the Democrats ran quite far to the left. Among other things, they (and their affiliated groups) did their best to portray Bush, and all who supported him, as extreme right-wing wackos. Indeed, as dangerous extreme right-wing wackos.

Most people, comparing what they see with the Democrats' descriptions, decided anyone who uses that kind of rhetoric for someone who's so close to the center must himself be way off in left field.