Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Kerry Won the Debate

Dennis Prager simply refuses to understand the utter simplicity and straightforwardness of John Kerry's positions on issues. He's even written an article claiming Kerry takes every position on any given issue, and so people watching the debate heard him offer whatever position they wanted to hear.

I sent this in response to his column, and I'm sharing it with you here.

Dennis: Reconciling Kerry's apparently contradictory points is simplicity itself. All you have to do is re-read Thomas Sowell's book, The Vision of the Anointed, and remember, Kerry's one of the Anounted. We'll never give other nations a veto over our national security, and we'll act alone if needed. But if we do act, we'll pass a "global test". How to reconcile? Simple! If Kerry acts unilaterally, it will be in a way that the world either does support, or should support if it's got its collective wits together. How do we know that? Kerry's one of the Anointed, and therefore smarter, wiser, and more noble than everyone else. If Bush acts unilaterally, it can't possibly be in a way the world supports, or should support. Why? He's one of the benighted, and can't be expected to measure up to the exalted standards of intelligence, wisdom, and nobility that the Anointed meet with ease. Once you look at the rest of Kerry's positions using the same test, all will become clear. Of course, Kerry can't come right out and say this, because to his fellow Anointed, it's redundant. The Benighted, on the other hand, can't be expected to see the utter sensibility of this position.

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