Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Bulverism in Christendom

Many people accuse Christians of Bulverism – adopting a position on an entirely self-serving basis, not because the position has any intrinsic merit. Deacon at Powerline remarks on the unflagging support Christians offer Jews and Israel, and comments on this fallacy:

As a Jew living in liberal parts, I'm frequently asked whether I'm concerned about the "Christian right." I typically respond with a baffled expression, followed by a quick recap of the history of unprecedented toleration of Jews by religious fundamentalists in this country, and a reminder of the tremendous support that Evangelicals have given to Israel. With respect to the latter point, the more savvy of my inquisitors often reply that Evagelicals only support Israel because they are taught that the Jews must re-settle in the Holy Land in order for the Messiah to return. However, I believe this support has more to do with common bliblical values, as the JPost story suggests. I'm also mindful of the response of one American Jewish leader: for now, we're delighted to have their support; when the Messiah returns, we'll consider our options.

Biblical literalists would have a strong incentive to support Jews because of God's statement to Abraham: "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you." (Quoting from memory.)

To those who chalk up Christian support of Israel to base motives on the part of Christians, I have only two things to say. Firstly, if someone does good by you, do you routinely reject that good if it's not done for "the right reason"? (If you are treated at a hospital that's named after someone, do you first make sure that person didn't give lots of money for the sole purpose of getting his name on a hospital?)

Secondly, if you're a Jew worried that you only have the support of Christians until the Second Coming occurs, I thought you guys didn't believe the First Coming had taken place yet. And frankly, once it does, will Jews still need the support of Christians?

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