Monday, October 11, 2004

A Liberal's mindset

I was talking with some friends over a game of Maj Jongg, and one of them happened to say, "I don't believe there are any Republican lesbians.

I mentioned that I knew of one lesbian who planned to vote for Bush.

The immediate response: "She must be confused about what voting means."

I told her this person was voting on the basis of who would be better at keeping Osama bin Ladin or the Taliban from taking over the country. She figures that as long as the US is protected, she can fix problems with gay rights and reproductive rights. If she's in a burqa or burnt at the stake, she'll be in no shape to lobby for much of anything.

My friend seemed to think this was reasonable.

I think the mindset revealed by my friend's immediate response to my statement was revealing. It was a casual, indeed reflexive, notion that any lesbian who voted Republican couldn't possibly know what the hell she was doing. No lesbian in her right mind could possibly vote for Bush, even if she was drunk and voting on a butterfly ballot.

But then, the left just knows it's the smarter, wiser, and more noble faction. Anyone who disagrees with them must just be unaware of what he or she is doing.

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