Friday, October 15, 2004

Maybe I'll sell mobiles

Regulators have recently decided that anyone building or remodeling a home in California will have to install fluorescent lights or motion sensors to regulate lighting and save energy. People who might just want to sit still for an extended period, or maybe even read, may find themselves suddenly in the dark.

The Wise Anointed have decided that since people sometimes leave lights on in a room no one is using, they'll fix it for us. Motion detectors will turn the lights off if no one is moving around in a room. Even if there might be a compelling reason to have the lights stay on.

Of course, a large mobile, hanging where a cross draft or the wind from a heater or air conditioner blows, would probably move often enough to trigger a motion detector.

Maybe I'll sell some based on a "flipping off the State" motif.

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