Sunday, September 06, 2009

Janice Shaw Crouse : Girls Need a Dad and Boys Need a Mom -

Janice Shaw Crouse calls attention to a study: Janice Shaw Crouse : Girls Need a Dad and Boys Need a Mom -

The latest issue of The Journal of Communication and Religion (November 2008, Volume 31, Number 2) contains an excellent analysis of the importance of opposite-sex parent relationships. The common sense conclusion is backed up with social science data and affirmed by a peer-reviewed scholarly article: girls need a dad, and boys need a mom.

Not surprisingly, the study also found that communication is an essential building block for all family relationships – family interactions are the crucible for attitudes, values, priorities, and worldviews. Beyond the shaping and modeling of these essential personal characteristics, the family shapes an individual's interpersonal system and self-identity.

I suspect it will turn out that children of both sexes need both a father and a mother.

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