Tuesday, December 28, 2004

School bullying

A couple in Old Greenwich, CT, has filed suit against their daughter's school for failing to put a stop to ongoing bullying. It sounds like they have a pretty good case.

The lawsuit, filed earlier this month in state Superior Court in Stamford by Theodore and Patrice Anibal on behalf of their daughter, accuses school officials of several counts of negligent and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The lawsuit also cites Connecti-cut's anti-bullying statute, a 2002 law that requires all public schools to establish plans to address bullying.

When I was in school, the advice I was given was to hit back. The principle behind this was that when it got too expensive for the bully to bully, he'd stop.

Of course, with more kids carrying weaponry, that kind of advice can get you killed, and the kind of school that allows this kind of bullying to continue would probably impose maximum penalties against anyone fighting back against a bully.

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