Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Violent Rhetoric Strikes Again

I Guess It Depends On Whose Ox Is Being Pitchforked... (Wizbang)
The big hysteria going around now is how some of the Congresscritters who voted for ObamaCare are getting threats now. I suppose I should put on my grown-up pants and denounce all threats of violence related to politics, but I have to admit I'm pretty much inured to them by now. Quite frankly, my threshold of perceived threats is pretty high.


I recall an effigy of Sarah Palin being hanged off some idiot's house.

I remember a parking lot full of vehicles Republicans had rented for "get out the vote" use in Milwaukee getting their tires slashed -- by some rather well-connected young Democrats employed by the Kerry campaign.

I remember Carlos Mantos, a Democratic Party official in Philadelphia, turning away Republican poll watchers, arguing that his district was 100% Democrat, so they had no business there.

I recall two armed Black Panthers stationing themselves outside another Philadelphia polling station, making sure that every white voter knew that The Black Man was gonna win.

I remember "community organizers" organizing protest "field trips" to the homes of top banking executives, making sure that all their people knew precisely where these people lived.

And I remember seeing actual protests featuring actual idiots armed with actual torches and pitchforks.

So, I'm not going to make an effort to condemn these threats of violence. Instead, I'm going to try a different tactic:

Hey, Democratic members of Congress. I don't speak for anyone, really, but I'm one of those largely moderate-to-right-leaning citizens and voters. I've been to a Tea Party rally, and I don't like what you're doing. But I don't care for these threats of violence.

Right now, those are coming from a very, very small portion of the larger group to which I belong. And the fact that they're a minority means you don't have to worry about huge mobs coming after you.


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