Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Discoverer of the Double-Helix Says Cancer Can Be Cured in the Near Future

If the FDA would get out of the way, that is.
“The FDA has so many regulations,” Dr. [James] Watson says. “They don’t want you to try a new thing if there’s an old thing that might work. . . . So you take the old thing, but we know cancer changes over time and we would really like to get it whacked early, and not late. But the regulations are saying you can’t do these things until we give you a lot of s— drugs,” he snorts. “Shouldn’t this be the patient’s choice to say I would rather beat the odds with a total cure rather than just to know that I am going to have all my hair fall out and then after a year I’m dead? . . Why should [FDA commissioner] Margaret Hamburg hold things up? There’s the cynical answer it gives employment to lawyers.”
The Discoverer of the Double-Helix Says Cancer Can Be Cured in the Near Future | John Goodman's Health Policy Blog |

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