Sunday, January 16, 2011

Defending 'Toxic' Rhetoric

The American Spectator : Defending 'Toxic' Rhetoric
The principal enforcement of political boundaries, however, is dispensed by voters at the polls. This is the inspiration for the left's hysterical campaign against Republican rhetoric: voters rejected Democrats last November on the issues, so they hope by libeling conservatives with murder and demonizing the mode of their message that voters will reject Republicans in 2012.
And there's this:
Conservative radio talk show host Mark Levin has put out a stunning challenge to those left-wing media personalities accusing conservative talk radio stars and Sarah Palin of encouraging murder.

First, he offered $100,000 to Chris Matthews to find any example where Sarah Palin or Levin himself had "promoted the murder of anybody."


Levin, of course, is also a former Justice Department official, which gave his second challenge a crisp note: He's waiting for a very specific allegation "because I'm going to sue." In federal court.

Levin's challenge to Matthews and other left-wing media types comes on the heels of increasingly desperate attempts by the left-wing media to pin the Tucson violence by the mentally disturbed Jared Loughner on conservative talk radio stars.

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