Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Althouse: "History tells us" something that history doesn't tell us, say sociologists stumbling to protect Frances Fox Piven.

Althouse: "History tells us" something that history doesn't tell us, say sociologists stumbling to protect Frances Fox Piven.
Among things Ann Althouse notes is:
...vigorous debate about Piven's ideas is really important, but it better be the right kind of debate by the right kind of people and most certainly not that terrible, terrible man Glenn Beck. She's very lofty and serious, so, while she should be challenged, she must be challenged only by lofty and serious individuals, and of course, Glenn Beck is not one.
Comments by Jim Lindgren include:
So let's see if this makes sense:

1. Fances Fox Piven advocates left-wing violence by the unemployed against the government.

2. Glenn Beck criticizes her for this, calling such talk dangerous.

3. Then an unstable unemployed left-wing radical engages in violence against the government.

4. Glenn Beck then repeats his criticism of Piven.

5. Finally, the Am. Sociological Assn blames Glenn Beck for his criticism of Piven AND indirectly for the left-wing violence.

The logic of the Assn escapes me.

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