Wednesday, June 02, 2010

NRO's Corner on the blockade

The man who made the announcement that we saw earlier, explaining the commando raid is the defense minister of Israel. He's not a right-winger. He's not Likud. He's Ehud Barak, who's the leader of Labor, the party of Yitzhak Rabin, Golda Meir, the party of the left, and the man who ten years ago this summer offered the Palestinians a peace agreement that would have [provided] a Palestinian state, division of Jerusalem, and an end of the conflict.

The Palestinians said no. And Gaza two years ago declared war on Israel. That's why you have a blockade. . . .

Andy McCarthy:

With that in mind, Israel's concern that the flotilla might carry goods Hamas could use in weapons and explosives isn't so far-fetched.

No, not far-fetched in the slightest. In fact, that's the plan. And it's been the plan since Hamas came into existence in 1987 — including when, as I mentioned yesterday, Hamas was run from Virginia for several years during the Intifada.


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