Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Draw Mohammed Day -- why it matters

From Michelle Malkin's blog:

I noted the other day that Internet jihadists were leaving death threat comments on the Facebook page of the "Draw Mohammed Day" organizer. Now, the Internet jihadi sympathizers are crowing this morning on Twitter about Facebook taking the DMD page down. As I write, the page appears to be back up. Who knows for how long. [Update 10:21pm: See Allahpundit for the latest shenanigans.]

If you've been reading this blog regularly for years, you know that dhimmitude at social networking and Web2.0 sites is nothing new. Nor is dhimmitude in the MSM or in higher education or in Washington. It's the Achilles' heel of Western civilization.


Zombie e-mails:

I think it's important that the West stands up on this issue: if we cave into Muslim demands for self-censorship, our freedom of speech will be taken away forever.

Exactly right. And for those who think this isn't affecting us, open your eyes:

Local Radio Skit Sparks Muslim Controversy (KFI radio host Bill Handel is fighting back.)
Criticizing Islam on the airwaves
CAIR's war on conservative talk radio
Brian Maloney: Islamists 1, Talk Radio, 0
LGF: CAIR goes ballistic over B.C., Dr. Laura

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