Thursday, June 17, 2010

Lies about SB1070

From Dr. Gina Loudon at Big Journalism:
    • LIE #1:  Most minorities are opposed to SB 1070 because they are afraid of being unfairly accused, stopped, racially profiled, or in some way inconvenienced or abused.

    The facts:  The hotel where we stayed had Native Americans, Latinos, Hispanics, Middle Easterners, and Asians.  I used my down time to interview them about SB 1070 and I was shocked to learn that not one person I spoke with of any national or ethnic origin was opposed to SB 1070.

    They know that dangerous terrorists have established an entire entry strategy utilizing the advantage of our broken borders, and as one Native American told me, "I would rather be asked for my ID than have my people blown to bits by a terrorist."

    • Lie #2:  Law enforcement will have to begin new processes that may include racial profiling when SB 1070 goes into effect.

    The facts:  I spoke with a shop owner who happened to be an off-duty Phoenix cop, and the moment he learned that I was the "BUYcott girl" I watched the passion well up in him.  "This law changes one thing.  One thing!" He said.  "And this is the one thing it changes… When 1070 goes through, and I arrest someone who I suspect is committing a crime, and haul 'em into the Feds, now they will have to do something with them.".

    He further explained that as the law (or lack thereof) stands now, he takes the criminal into the Feds, they release the suspect, and then the suspect comes after his family, or him for revenge.

    He said the biggest change in all of this isn't about race, or profiling, or even arrests.  It is about the lives of law enforcement and their families.


    • Lie #3:  Local groups are holding grassroots boycotts of Arizona.

    The facts:  I attended the Boycott of SB1070 undercover.  No one I met was from Arizona.  All came in on a bus, funded by union bosses or Communist front groups (I have their documents, and it is straight up true, see below) bragging about how they were traveling around the country "doing" these rallies because life has been unfair to them.


    • Lie #4:  The Mexicans, all illegals, and most foreign countries all agree that the US is being unreasonable in its desire to secure the borders.

    The facts:  After Mexican film crews interviewed me on the BUYcotts, I always asked them what their personal opinions were on the issue of SB 1070 and the US illegal immigration policy.  Without exception, they told me that Mexican sentiment is that politicians are using this to grandstand, and media outlets are using it to sell papers and get ratings, but that the people on the ground in Mexico prefer a safe guest worker program that is legal and well-managed.

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