Monday, June 14, 2010

You can keep your plan -- if it still exists!

Over and over in the health care debate, President Barack Obama said people who like their current coverage would be able to keep it.  But an early draft of an administration regulation estimates that many employers will be forced to make changes to their health plans under the new law.  In just three years, a majority of workers -- 51 percent -- will be in plans subject to new federal requirements, according to the draft. 


Employers say the draft rules are too inflexible: Plans can lose their protected status by increasing copayments and deductibles above certain limits.  Gelfand said medical inflation alone would push many employers over the line. 

How employers react to the final rules will be critical.  If major companies start dropping health care benefits, opting instead to pay the government a penalty, Democrats would face a political backlash, says the AP.

Source: Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar, "Health overhaul to force changes in employer plans," Associated Press/Breitbart, June 11, 2010. 

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