Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Birther news

Jay Tea at Wizbang has a couple of observations touching on the Birth Certificate Conspiracy.

Stripped of the whole "birther" baggage, the bill simply codifies something that has been presumed to be common sense, but has been challenged. If you wanna be president, you better be ready to demonstrate that you meet even the minimalist requirements spelled out by the Constitution. And while on the surface it gives the birthers a victory, it takes away their very reason for existence as of the next election cycle.

While my personal philosophy is "don't cater to the crazies' delusions," in this case I find nothing objectionable about the solution -- and, indeed, their "demand" here doesn't really offend my sensibilities. Indeed, I think it's entirely OK.

Indeed.  If this bill had been law during the last election, the whole Birther movement would have been nipped in the bud.  Anyone claiming Obama was not a "natural born citizen" would have to account for the fact that Obama made it onto the ballot in Arizona.  Someone would have had to have presented reasonable proof to the Secretary of State.

I guess the remaining question is, will the Birthers notice their reason for existence has evaporated?

Meanwhile, there's a birther who's feeling exceptionally certain of his convictions. And those convictions might cost him his freedom.

Terry Lakin is utterly unconvinced that President Obama is not a "natural born" citizen, and as such has no authority to hold the office of President of the United States, let alone carry out the duties of said office. And under that theory, Lakin -- that's Lt. Colonel Terry Lakin, M.D., United States Army -- is refusing to accept his orders as Commander In Chief sending Lakin to Afghanistan. He says his oath to obey the Constitution and refuse to obey illegal orders takes precedence.

After looking at what makes an order "illegal" -- orders that are illegal on their face, or orders given by people not in a position to give them, Jay believes Larkin doesn't have a case.

There is nothing inherently illegal about the orders issued to Dr. Lakin. They were not issued directly by President Obama, but by Dr. Lakin's chain of command. Further, as far as the military is concerned, the issue of Obama's eligibility is a closed matter. Quite frankly, it's not up to the president to prove to the military that he is qualified to be their Commander In Chief. We have civilian control of the military, and that means that the civilian governing structures decide who controls the military -- not the military itself. And Obama was certified as the president by Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Electoral College when they confirmed him in office.

Maybe he can assist the prison doctor wherever he winds up.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Maybe he can assist the prison doctor wherever he winds up."
Maybe "WE" can elect him Senator!
If he were in my State I sure would vote for this American HERO!