Monday, May 31, 2010

Ten Questions About ‘The Grand Jihad’

Michael Walsh interviews Andrew McCarthy at Big Journalism. Ten Questions About ‘The Grand Jihad’ For Author Andrew McCarthy.

Q. Why did you write this book? Surely, you’re overstating the threat to the American way of life from radical Islam.

Q. You open with the memorable moment when President Obama bowed to the Saudi King. Although you dismiss the notion that Obama is some kind of “Manchurian Muslim,” why else would he do such a thing? In fact, why is he so loath to speak out against any Muslim, anywhere, if on some level he does not share either religious or cultural sympathies with them?

Q. The heart of your book is the argument that the Left and Islam have made an alliance of convenience, sharing a common enemy, which is classical Western civilization. Some dismiss this idea with the riposte that the Left will suffer as much if not more than anybody under Sharia Law. How do you answer them?

Q. To what do you attribute the MSM’s reluctance to explore these questions? Does the “narrative” of the First Black President outweigh everything else? Are they lazy? Complicit? Some combination of all three?

Q. Why are Americans so slow to pick up the concepts of dawa and jihad?

Q. Discuss the role of Political Correctness in our apprehension, or lack of it, of Islam.

Q. Isn’t one of the problems that we continue to think in terms of nation-states, whereas Islam disdains such a concept in favor of the ummah?

Q. What’s it going to take for us to wake up? If and when an American city is nuked will we even fight back? Or will the lawyers and the JAGs find legalistic excuses for inaction?

Q. Is there a Martel, a Sobieski or a Kitchener on the horizon, or have we arrived at the Spenglerian end of western power?

Q. There must be one bright spot, right… Right?

The answers are at the other end of the link. :-)

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