Monday, May 31, 2010

War on Israel

Pamela Geller comments on: The Jihad Flotilla and the Media War Against Israel

Today’s incident on the Gaza jihad flotilla was an act of war – but not by Israel. The tsunami of Jew-hating propaganda from the jihad-loving media has already begun. The international media, predictably, is spinning the story as if it were all Israel’s fault, saying that the IDF killed innocent civilian humanitarian workers on a flotilla headed to Gaza to bring aid to the starving people there.

In reality, none of that is true. This was an act of war against Israel. The people in Gaza aren’t starving, and the “humanitarian aid workers” on the flotilla were actually Islamic jihadists who attacked the IDF first. It was a planned attack — by Hamas and the hardline Muslim groups. Hamas supporters planned an armed assault, which included the murder of captured Israeli heroes. They almost succeeded.
In the information battlespace, the jihadis can count on the complicity of the subdued, Islamophiliac press. They can physically attack Israeli troops and count on the corrupt media to package any act of Israeli self-defense as an aggression. Then this repackaging will lead to international condemnation, United Nations Security Council resolutions, and further delegitimization of Israel.
Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu pointed out that the flotilla jihadists attacked first, and that the Israeli soldiers “had to defend themselves, defend their lives, or they would have been killed.” He explained:
What we want to prevent coming into Gaza are rockets, missiles, explosives and war materials that could be used to attack our civilians. This is an ongoing policy and it is the one that guided our actions yesterday.
But no one was listening. His truth doesn’t fit the media narrative. The media would much rather listen to J Street (the J is for “jihad,” not “Jewish”), which is using the jihad flotilla incident to call for annihilation of the Jews: they’re asking our decidedly anti-Israel president to impose the jihadists’ “peace” plan “forcefully” upon Israel.

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