Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Who the haters are

In the latest mailing from Brookes News:

Leftists: The Face of Hate

J. Matt Barber
"Progressives" are like pig farmers. In an effort to bury opposing viewpoints they sling pejorative slop, labeling as "bigot," "hater," "wingnut" or "racist" those with whom they disagree.
We've seen this tired tactic abused ad nauseum in recent days by the mainstream media and Democrats. Aided by hard-left outfits such as the Southern Poverty Law Center — all too eager to provide "expert analysis" tailor-made for jaundiced journalism — liberal elites have been desperate to throw poison on bourgeoning grassroots opposition to Obama's careening Marxist agenda. It's straight out of the "progressive" playbook: Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals.

Hence, in the face of zero supporting evidence, "Tea Party" conservatives, Constitutionalists, pro-life and pro-family Americans, and generally any patriot who disagrees with the Obama administration are smeared with "hate's" broad brush. Grandma and Grandpa; your fireman neighbor; school teachers; pastors; butchers; bakers; and candlestick makers are now "potentially violent right-wing extremists."
So, Fred Phelps aside, every time you hear some lefty like Anderson Cooper or Keith Olbermann despicably refer to Bible-believing Christians as "homophobes," or who call grandma a "teabagger" (slang for a vile homosexual act), consider who the real haters are.

Whenever Mark Potok, Rachel Maddow or some liberal politico in Congress attempts to equate conservative Joe to a "right wing extremists" or a "domestic terrorist," contemplate who the true bigots are. The palpable irony is that leftists — with their slanderous name-calling, harsh judgments and ad hominem attacks — are, in truth, more like Phelps than those they falsely accuse.

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