Friday, April 23, 2010

Strategy for Goldman Sachs

Lurita Doan at Big Government has some advice for Goldman Sachs:

Remember that Washington, like most Mutual Fund Advisors, is inherently risk adverse.  Right now, the politicans think it is easy and pain free to pile on Goldman, and you need to change that perception.   If you can convince the pack in Washington that you are not a willing victim, that you have teeth and can bite, you will win your freedom.  Here is what you need to do:

1.  Announce an immediate halt to any future campaign donations by Goldman and all Goldman employees. Mule drivers all knew that to get a reluctant donkey moving you had to first hit him in the head with a 2×4.  The purpose of the blow: mule drivers realized is that it was impossible to get a donkey moving in the right direction until you had his complete attention.  Choking off all campaign money  will certainly get their attention far more quickly than some legal brief, op-ed, or impassioned speech ever could.  
2.Start your own investigation into improper politicization at Goldman.  In particular, you should immediately announce a full scale review of all activities, email, notes, and memorandum from and to Rahm Emanuel while he served at Goldman during a short 18 month stint when he earned a reported $16 million in bonus and salary.  All you have to do is announce that in the interest of fairness and transparency, you are now making a complete review of all correspondence from and to Rahm Emanuel out of concern that undue pressure or influence might have occurred to get the ball really rolling. 
3.  Be careful of your lawyer.  Goldman made a shrewd move in hiring former White House Lawyer, Greg Craig, but be careful.  Keep in mind that this is a political battle and not a legal struggle.  Skirmishes will not be fought in the courtroom but on the front pages of newspapers, cable news and blogs of all sorts, on a 24 by 7 basis.  Never allow the lawyer to control your strategy.  In fact, the best thing you could hope for is for your new counselor to join President Obama on his next round of golf.  You want pictures and an image of smoking and joking between your lawyer and the President.  Nothing could be more effective in sending a message to members of the SEC that they risk the President's displeasure and future promotions should they make procedural mistakes. 
4.  Announce a Strategic Review to examine Goldman Operations.  In particular, you want to look at your office locations in states and congressional districts that are home to your most fierce attackers.  I would suggest you start by pulling the plug on all Goldman operations in the state of Illinois, home of Senator Dick Durbin.

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