Monday, July 13, 2009

"Bioconservatives" and aging

"Bioconservatives" are those who oppose research into remaking the genetic and chemical balance of human beings -- for such ends as enhancing memory and intelligence, and for postponing aging.  According to this post at Distributed Republic, they'll lose.

And this is a sponsored link that showed up in my gmail browser a few minutes ago:

Rapamycin - - mTOR inhibitor,immunosuppressive 100mg $70; 500mg $275-- Bulk Also

Now, I know nothing about that website, could be straight scam artists for all I know. But what's notable to me is that within days of a publication of a story suggesting that the drug could be life extending, there's already an (illegal) market developing in it. Imagine something safer, and more effective. How quickly would people get their hands on it?

There are those out there who oppose research into extending human longevity. Good luck with stopping the spread of that technology, because it'll get out. Personally, I'd rather it be developed in the United States rather than in China or Singapore, but it doesn't much matter. Even the ultra-risk averse FDA won't stop an anti-aging hospital seastead, or the discreet delivery of pharmaceuticals from overseas when the demand is strong enough. And it will be.

This is the case not only for anti-aging drugs, but it will be the case for stem-cell-based treatments, cloning, genetic modification, and so on. Basically, any scientific technique that promises an improvement in the quality and quantity of life will be available from someone, somewhere.  You may have to travel to Bombay or Singapore, but it will be available. 

What will the Federal government do?  Block the re-entry of citizens who have gone abroad for purposes of "biomolecular tourism"?

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