Monday, November 10, 2008

White house photo op

Beldar comments on a photo of Bush and Obama beginning the transfer of power.
One thing he remarks on is that the AP claims to hold the copyright on the photo, and can't possibly hold it.  AP is either unbelievably unaware of US copyright law, or they're lying.

Note that the leather chair between the flags is empty, as are the small guest chairs on either side of the desk. George W. Bush, a/k/a Chimpy McBusHitler and all sorts of other vile names, has no need or wish to play status games with the next occupant of this office.

More importantly: There will be no tanks on the Mall. There will be no manufactured crisis to justify the 101st Airborne seizing the Metro stations while Dick Cheney directs the suppression of the Obama Transition Team from a bunker in an unspecified location. There won't even be any "O" keys pried off computer keyboards. The barking moonbats who've been saying for years that we're already living under a Dubya-imposed military government would be ashamed if they had the decency necessary for that emotion.

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