Friday, November 14, 2008

The last, best hope

In Der Spiegel, Europe admits that the United States may be the last, best hope for mankind.
Ohne Schutz vor Beschuss aus dem All: Weil Politiker das Risiko nicht ernst nehmen, ist Europa schlecht auf den Einschlag von Asteroiden vorbereitet. Dabei drohen massive Verwüstungen. Bleibt nur die Hoffnung, dass die Amerikaner die Welt für uns retten.
(No protection against bombardment from space: Because politicians don't take the risk seriously Europe is ill-prepared for asteroid impacts.  These bring the threat of massive devastation. That leaves only the hope that the Americans would save the world for us.)
And I'm sure, even in an Obama economy, we'd find the resources somewhere.  But it's nice to see America being recognized as the "go to guys" when the world needs saving.  If America's economy is torn down to Kyoto-compliant levels, is there anyone else able, never mind willing, to step up and take on our mantle?

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