Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Should American Women be alowed to vote?

Patterico notes the case of an American Indian tribe that doesn't allow its women  to vote.

The controversy surrounds an El Paso Indian tribe which bans female voting. Watch the video at the link and despair as a bunch of lawmakers sanctimoniously discuss how they shouldn't be imposing their views on a sovereign nation.


I'm no expert on the laws of this country with respect to the interface of American Indian sovereignty and U.S. sovereignty. But, morally and practically, it seems to me that some basic principles have to be non-negotiable. Things like severe punishment for crimes of violence; respect for property rights — and voting rights for women. Anything else takes sovereignty too far.

Now go and read the elided portion.

1 comment:

Marcus Aurelius said...

No section of the US Citizenry should be allowed to vote unless they, as a condition for the same, accept the egalitarian "republican" concepts inherent in the concept of a republic. Otherwise, the nation itself will devolve from a "republic" to a "democracy", one of the worst forms of government according to Aristotle in his book, "Politics".
Women, through out the world, have never accepted this concept as a just requisite to their having the vote,resulting in the political, social,cultural, and economic disintigration of the nations in question.
Concomitant with the same is their gaining unjust political, social, cultural, economic, and legal predominance over men.
Men's refusal to assertively address this democratic female tyranny over men is reprehensible.