Thursday, April 23, 2009

A blue ribbon commission?

That's one suggestion at NRO by Cliff May:

This more serious thought has occurred to me since writing my column: Why not set up a truly blue-ribbon panel to review all relevant interrogation techniques and then report to the president which are effective?

Then the president can indicate which of these effective techniques:

  1. we never do, no matter what (because they "shock the conscience" and therefore constitute torture under American law);
  2. we will only do in the most extreme circumstances and under specific presidential authority;
  3. the DNI may authorize on his own under approved guidelines;
  4. SOP for all qualified CIA interrogators;
  5. SOP for all military interrogators (e.g. the Army Field Manual).

Isn't that the way to strike a balance?

Of course, then the Obama Administration would be on the record, and would have to throw a lot more stuff down the memory hole before changing its mind.

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