Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Jerusalem in Next Year?

One of the Passover prayers ends with the phrase, "Next year in Jerusalem!" But will there be a Jerusalem in the next year? 

Cliff Thier at The American Thinker writes:

The nightmare scenario for Israel is troubling me more and more. The end of the Jewish state is all too thinkable.


Israel has no other options. If there is to be an Israel two years from now, it must flatten the Iranian nuclear program immediately.


Israel knows it must do take out the nuclear weapons capability of Iran. And yet, Israel will not be able to do it. Not because it doesn't have the military might to do so. And not because it lacks the will. But because Barack Obama will order the United States Air Force to stand in its way if it tries. Between the airfields of Israel and the reactors and research labs and storage facilities of Iran sit the armed forces of the United States and its hundreds of planes, missiles and radar. With our bases in Iraq and those floating in the Persian Gulf, the United States separates Israel and Iran. Obama would have to give his okay for Israel to pass. Obama will not.

In fact, he will have the United States erect an armed barrier to Israel.

If you have had your eyes open and your mind not befogged by Obama The Ideal and have paid attention to Obama The Man, you'd already know that this is so. The evidence piled up is the size of a mountain. Obama has surrounded himself with friends and foreign policy advisors who believe the world will be a better place once that sore called Israel is gone. These are not secret haters of Israel but open and proud haters of Israel. Obama surrounds himself with these people. Tell me another explanation for this phenomenon other than that Obama is like-minded. Please. Try. I want to believe you.


The minute Iran has the bomb, Israel will begin to shrink. Jews in Israel will start to pack up and leave. Some at first, but more and more over time, Israelis will leave. Panic will begin to set in after the first 100,000 Jews or so have left their homes vacant. Businesses will be unable to fill job openings. The armed forces will find themselves combining brigades and companies.

Iran won't even have to fire a nuclear warhead at Israel to destroy it. The certainty that Iran can incinerate Israel, and the certainty that Iran will shortly do so, will be enough to convince enough of the six million Jews living in Israel today that they either must leave or be turned to ash that the economy and polity will lose viability.


As many will go to the United States as Obama will permit -- and maybe significant numbers to some other countries wise enough to admit six million educated industrious people, like Canada and Australia. Maybe a number of countries will each agree to take a few thousand or so. Maybe not. Some Jews will stay, of course, as modern day Maccabees, ready to lay down their lives. Others, the delusional few who believe they can get along with the Arabs once they are majority and running the country and it is all fair, will be slaughtered for their folly.

And then one evening, Obama will make an exceptional speech.  He will acknowledge the debt that the world will owe the Jewish people for giving up their homeland so that the world can avoid an end-of-days fate. His baritone will ring forth with astonishing beauty. There will be symbolism galore. The phrases will be poetry. Heads will nod sadly.

It will be hailed as one of the greatest speeches ever spoken. Perhaps the greatest. And, when it is given, the cameras will show Charles Schumer and Rahm Emmanuel and Diane Feinstein and Barbara Boxer in audience.

They, and many others like them in politics and popular culture, are the "warranting Jews" (i.e., Jews who vetted Obama for other Jews). When I tried to wake a Jewish friend to the mortal danger Obama posed for Israel, she replied that that could not possibly be true with someone like Rahm Emmanuel vouching for him.

Martin Peretz will run a column in the New Republic on how he's stunned to learn that Barack Obama is no friend of Israel at all. He will cry in print. He will sob uncontrollably. He will wail that Hillary -- at least Hillary! -- where is Hillary? --should have opposed the sell-out.

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