Thursday, February 26, 2009

America's fastest growing religion

Wicca is growing faster than the "Big Three" religions.
One expert claims that the number of Wiccan experts is doubling every 30 months. A recent book entitled "Generation Hex" by author Marla Alupoaicei declares that it will be the third largest religion of faith by the year 2012. This explosion of membership in Wicca has come about because of social estrangement, loneliness and the need to belong according to Dillon Burroughs co-author of the book. Although the West Coast and Salem, Massachussets is experiencing the most rapid growth, groups can be found all over the country, including the South and Mountain states.

About this piece, Gateway Pundit says,

...They sound like another solid Democratic voting block.

Well, for the most part, they are.  Most converts to the neo-pagan movement are alienated from the dominant religion in this country, and reject it without thought.  To the extent that the Republican Party is seen as the party of the Religious Right, it will drive away this bloc.

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