Thursday, October 16, 2008

Dissent used to be patriotic

Now it's grounds for a severe media anal examination.

Honestly, I’m rather surprised that Joe Wurzelbacher and his rope-line dialogue with Barack Obama has managed to stay in the news for as long as it has. I knew when I first heard the exchange that it went badly for Obama. I didn’t expect Joe the Plumber to be the main topic of the last presidential debate. And I certainly didn’t expect Obama supporters to keep the story alive by their rabid character assassination of a man who did nothing more than ask a question — at random.
Now, we have people crawling over his tax records, his voter registration, his professional licensing, and whatever else they can find in the public record. Someone has linked him to the long-deceased Charles Keating, suggesting that somehow Obama managed to pick a McCain plant out of a ropeline full of people by accident. How much longer before a certain blogger at The Atlantic demands a paternity test to see if Joe the Plumber fathered Sarah Palin’s baby — or Bristol’s, for that matter?
So what have we learned from this episode?
  1. Thou shalt not offend The One by asking him a question. Of any kind.
  2. Anyone who questions The One will have to undergo a public pillorying of a kind unseen since the Red Scare, or perhaps the Inquisition.
  3. The Tanning-Bed Media will happily participate in any inquisition, as long as it keeps them from investigating irrelevant issues like Obama’s ties to the Chicago Machine, William Ayers, ACORN, or his record on protecting infanticide.
Don’t ask questions. Don’t check the records of people running for political office, but do check the records of those who dare violate Rule #1. No dissent will be tolerated. Our political and media masters have spoken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was that sound I just heard? Oh, a backfire! They've screwed the pooch this time. It was bad enough what they did to Governor Sarah Palin and her family, but she's a politician and we expect them to be able to handle the rough-and-tumble, especially in the big leagues! But Joe the Plumber is just like you-and-me, a working stiff, dreaming of buying out his boss someday and becoming successful. He's not running for anything, yet they send private eyes, opposition research and the media after him because he inadvertently embarrassed Lord Obama! Friends, that is what Kim Jung Il, Mao, Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot would've done! This is America, not a tyrannical dictatorship! Tomorrow I will make 200 phone calls in support of McCain/Palin and send them $200, and I challenge everyone here to do the same!!