Monday, October 20, 2008


Jay Tea at Wizbang takes a jaundiced look at what ACORN has been doing.
One of the claims being offered is that ACORN is not conducting election fraud.  At most, they're "only" conducting registration fraud.  To me, that was like saying that someone who has printed up a bunch of $20 bills hasn't committed counterfeiting because he hasn't tried to spend the bogus bills.  Until he tries, it's "0nly" copyright infringement.

"They're just registrations, not actual votes, so it's not likely to mess up the election, so what's the big deal? Besides, ACORN is actually killing two birds with one stone -- they're getting people registered to vote, AND they're hiring people to do the registering who really need the jobs! So what's the harm?"

This is so wrong on so many levels, I dunno what to say.

First up, setting up the circumstances that could enable voting fraud is bad. At best, it's a form of negligence -- negligence like leaving a loaded gun in a playground. No, you won't kill anyone directly, but you WILL be making it a hell of a lot easier for someone else to kill someone.

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