Sunday, March 30, 2008

A quick step to life

Clayton Cramer offers some thoughts on the early history of life. He marvels at the short time that elapsed between the time the earth became habitable and the time it became inhabited.

As the article points out, at 3.5 billion years ago, there was life on Earth. So we're talking about as little as 300 million years and a maximum of 500 million years from the end of temperatures that would have sterilized the planet, to fossils. That's amazingly quick for a blind, random, and necessarily slow process. .... Those who insist that Intelligent Design is based on religious faith need to start asking why they are so confident that their model doesn't required a bit of faith to hold onto with data like this!

Let's see. Given: life was impossible on the planet at time T. Life was present and "far evolved" less than half a billion years after it became possible.

Stipulation: this is too short a time for natural processes to produce life.

Conclusion: life did not arise by natural processes.

Since no one has ever produced any evidence of non natural processes at work, I guess we don't exist.

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