Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Byron York reports on a poll asking what people think "privacy" means.

In anticipation of the Roberts hearings, Republican pollster David Winston asked a question to measure public sentiment on one of the most contentious issues to come up in the sessions:
When you think of the right to privacy, what comes closer to how you think of that right? A) The right to be free from government intrusion -- including private phone calls, private mail, private medical and financial information, and the right to raise your children as you see fit. B) The right to make decisions free from government interference, such as the right to choose abortion.

The results:

Respondent A Freedom from government intrusion A Freedom from government interference A No opinion / other / no answer
All polled 66% 26% 8%
Republicans 75% 15% 10%
Independents 64% 27% 9%
Democrats 55% 38% 7%
Women 63% 29% 8%

(Afterthought half an hour later – – Pity the poll didn't ask how many would have responded "both".)

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