Friday, June 24, 2005

Unintended consequences in politics

The screaming extremist left has been spending a lot of its time slandering America. At least, it looks like slander to those of us who don't speak "nuance".

Although it's fun to watch a party self-destruct in this manner (it has the same fascination as a wreck on the freeway), it has a definite down side.

There's an important debate to be had in this country about just how far we're willing to go in our interrogations. But it's a difficult debate to even get started when one side thinks that we should be extremely concerned with the possibility that someone, somewhere might have desecrated the Korans of the people responsible for the murders of Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Fabrizio Quattrocchi, three-thousand Americans and now hundreds upon hundreds of Iraqi civilians.

The extreme left, unfortunately, thinks in stark black-and-white terms. In our treatment of prisoners, we're either perfect, or we're equivalent to a Nazi death camp. This is a common position held by the left. They have their ideals, and since they're ideals, no mere mortal or mortal institution can achieve them. Since all fall short of the glory of the leftist ideals, all are sinners. And since the left doesn't distinguish degrees of falling short, someone who falls short of the ideal by the smallest margin can be equated with the worst of human evil.

But the side-effect of this is that it's impossible to please the critics. Once it becomes impossible to please a critic, there's no point in making the attempt.

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