Tuesday, June 14, 2005

About that "American Taliban"

Recently, my attention was called to a document floating around the Internet, which offers quotes showing how the Religious Right has taken over the Republican Party, and Conservatives in general.

I haven't tracked down the all of the quotes to see what sort of context surrounds them (or indeed, whether they've been made up altogether). I would really like to see the quotes in that page linked to the original sources, or at least as close as possible.

Nevertheless, even stipulating that the US Government has been taken over by religious fundamentalists, the linked article shows a major difference between American Fundies, who are regarded as intolerant and hate-filled until (unless!!!) proven otherwise, and other deeply religious people who belong to a "Religion Of Peace™".

Our fundies have not put anyone on trial for defaming their religion. On the other hand:
Oriana Fallaci is 75 years old. The renowned Italian journalist lives in hiding because of death threats she received after the publication in 2001 of her book The Rage and the Pride. She is dying of cancer. And now she is going to go on trial for "defaming Islam." The complaint comes from Adel Smith, president of the Muslim Union of Italy, who was never charged with defaming Christianity after he referred to a crucifix as a “miniature cadaver” during his 2003 efforts to have depictions of Christ on the Cross removed from Italian schools.

Add this to the death toll that didn't result when Christians didn't riot when a Crucifix placed in urine was displayed as a "work of art".

I suspect it's because Christians really are tolerant that their more strident critics complain the way they do. Their barbs are directed against a safe target, and they know it.

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