Friday, January 09, 2009

Sea Kittens

Michelle Malkin has linked to a PETA campaign aimed at renaming fish "sea kittens".
Well, I like most fish I've had, including catfish.  Maybe young catfish would be called "river kittens"?
Anyway, for those who might want to try frying up some sea kittens, here's a recipe I use for tilapia.  (And it would probably work on catfish, too -- or any light fish.)
1 1/2 lb tilapia fillets
1/2    cup flour
2       tbsp white pepper
2       tbsp garlic powder
2       tbsp garam masala
1       tbsp salt
butter for frying
olive oil for frying
Melt the butter in a frying pan with some olive oil (helps keep the butter from burning).
Mix the flour and spices and pour into a shallow bowl or plate.
Dredge the fillets through the flour, coating both sides.
Place the fillets in the hot oil and fry on both sides, for a total of 10 minutes per inch of thickness.
This is great as is, or with a sauce.  The residual oil/butter mix in the frying pan can be mixed with some of the flour mix to make a good gravy.
Next week, we'll try something with shrimp, hereinafter referred to as "ocean puppies".

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