Thursday, February 08, 2007

Monkey Girl – a review

Pamela Winnick reviews the book Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul, and the Kitzmiller v. Dover case which it sets out to cover.

Mr. Humes's account is thorough but disappointingly self-righteous. "The evolution war," he writes, "had become part of a larger political campaign; the Republican leadership's controversial 'Culture of Life' . . . in which religion, politics and government at times seemed all but indistinguishable." There are certainly those who think so, but Mr. Humes might have been more persuasive had he shown some minimal respect for the religious side of this debate instead of treating all ID-proponents as benighted fanatics with a crude political agenda. (He even spends four pages bashing Ann Coulter, as if she is an important thinker in need of refutation.)

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