Sunday, April 03, 2005

Being quoted

Every now and then I do a google search on myself. It's a solitary vice, and about as productive as other solitary vices.

I notice I've been quoted in a sermon given February 1, 2004 by Reverend Jane Bramadat
...Imbolc...a time when new beginnings are in the air; a time when, as one pagan puts it: "This is the Maiden Sowing, during which we sow not seeds, but plans. All that follows takes its shape from the shadows we cast before us on this day, and these shadows will become the rows which we plant and plow. And if we choose not carefully, the ruts in which we may be trapped." (Karl Lembke - Witch Vox) Some thoughtful words indeed...first we sow plans, then the seeds for which the plans were made. And we need to make those plans carefully because they cast large shadows and if we have planned carelessly, we may find ourselves in ruts we did not recognize as such and find it exceedingly difficult to get out. This is a time when integrity and inspiration are most needed.

When you scatter seed, there's no telling where it'll wind up.

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