Thursday, December 11, 2008

Islam needs to grow up

So says J.G.Thayer at Commentary:

Once again, a horrific atrocity has been committed by a group of committed, determined Muslims willing and eager to die in the name of their faith. And, as usual, the Islamic groups have pulled out their standard boilerplate responses:

Disclaimer #1: "These people do not represent True Islam."

Disclaimer #2: "You must not blame all Muslims for the deeds of these misguided few (who we embraced as brothers right up until they started killing)."

Disclaimer #3: "What they did was terrible, but they were provoked by the oppression and attacks on Muslims around the world, mostly by Israel and the West."

Disclaimer #4: "We fear a terrible backlash from non-Muslims, and demand that you protect us from those who would threaten us or say mean things or do things to insult us."


Other religions have had their aggressive, expansionist, conquering phase, but they grew out of it. Islam is still in its aggressive, conquering phase. It's been often noted that "Islam has bloody borders." One can only hope that it, too, will grow and mature past it.

And soon — or that backlash that they whine about just might happen some day.

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