Sunday, June 08, 2008

Charging for Free Speech

Deborah Gyapong has been following the MacLeans "hate crime" trial.

She cites an editoral in the Herald:

Commissions were given such powers to fight discrimination in employment and accommodation, not for interest groups to silence their opponents in kangaroo courts. The system is out of control.

Nor does Andreachuk understand the limits of her mandate. Announcing the punishment last Friday, she awarded $5,000 "damages" to Lund -- "although not a direct victim, (he) did expend considerable time and energy."


Finally, Boissoin is to provide Lund with a written apology for the sincerely held opinion he published in the Advocate.

As apologies that do not spring from changed minds mean nothing, this must be seen for what it is: the kind of recantation squeezed by an inquisition from some unfortunate, a denial of conscience for the sole purpose of grinding the dissenter's face into the dust, the better that he may eat his words.

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