Friday, June 16, 2006

Limbaugh on Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter is taking considerable flak over her latest book, and over the comments she's made on her book tour.

David Limbaugh has some comments, including:

Nor is it harshness, offensiveness or insulting tones that bother them; otherwise, they'd have to denounce 90 percent of the Democratic Party's leadership for the vicious slander they've hurled at George W. Bush for six years or at Justice Clarence Thomas. They would excommunicate from their movement cartoonists for their racist depictions of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. They would condemn Michael Moore and the entire lineup at Air America. And they would be outraged at the defamatory drumbeat against Ann Coulter herself and portray her as a victim. One major newspaper called her book "pornography"; a magazine called for her to kill herself; a major news anchor said she had trampled on something "sacred"; and New York Daily News featured her on the cover as "Coulter the Cruel."

Coulter's comments pale in comparison to the nastiness that routinely comes out of liberals' mouths about conservatives, as when Sen. Harry Reid called President Bush a liar and Alan Greenspan a hack. So please, spare us the indignation.

1 comment:

TexSport Publications said...

Ann Coulter is only saying what many people feel. She is not only a voice for herself, but for all those who cannot express the same thoughts for fear of reprisals in the workplace, public gatherings, and their own lives.

She has enough clout as not to worry that she will be fired for expressing her views.

I have heard liberal democrats say far worse and never be held to the scrutiny and contempt that she has.

This issue is proof positive that liberals and conservatives are not held to the same standards. Liberals, for the most part, are given passes on their views and controversial statements.

To read my post about Ann’s appearance on Leno on Wednesday evening, visit

We welcome all views and opinions, no matter how ridiculous they are.