Tuesday, December 27, 2005

John Derbyshire on Darwin

John Derbyshire would rather not respond to David Klinghoffer's article on Darwin. Instead, he reflects on where scientists and ID/IOTs differ.

One thing I notice, talking to working scientists, is how deeply, deeply uninterested most of them are in metaphysics--in the topics that fill up ID websites and talk, and the emails I get when I write about ID. If you try to talk metaphysics to the average working scientist, his eyes glaze over at once. ID-ers want to talk about nothing else. Scientists just want to get on with finding out things.
To alter the old joke slightly: Those who can, do; those who can't, talk metaphysics. Probably science is too important to be left to the scientists. I'm beginning to wish it weren't, though.

And metaphysicians and scientists are out of their depths when they attempt to discuss each others' fields of study.

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