Monday, October 03, 2005

Three questions, three answers (2)

Question 2)
How many more lives are you willing to sacrifice?
Answer: Nobody wants to see American troops die in their quest to unseat tyranny and introduce freedom to an oppressed people. However, given the stakes, the re-enlistment numbers of the troops serving in Iraq would indicate that they feel the sacrifice they are making is worth it.

...continued in full post...

The Military will stop fighting the enemy when they are defeated. If some of our troops are killed in action, at least they could go to the afterlife knowing that they did all they could to protect those back home. To put a number on the limit of what we can endure in losses of our troops is akin to handing the enemy a recipie for exactly how long it will take to defeat us.

And "recipe" is a great term.

Many recipes give time and temperature instructions for cooking, but those are guidelines. Conditions are just too variable for precise answers. Ultimately, the answer to how long you cook something is, "until it's done".

How many lives are we prepared to sacrifice to make Iraq a free, stable country?

Hopefully, "enough".

Question 3:

What are you going to do to end the war?
Answer: Quite simply, we are going to win it.

"When it's done."

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