Tuesday, July 19, 2005

John C. Roberts nominated

The folks at Democratic Underground are all over it.

This is the best the RETARDICANS can do? A lifetime lawyer, a partisan right wing tool and someone with less juidical experience than Clarence Thomas had when Nebish Boosh nominated him? link
...Continued in full post...
Zorra: Tue Jul-19-05 10:00 PM WTF? This man has minimal experience as a judge. How can he possibly be considered for a Supreme Court seat? Oh, yeah, he is a loyal party member. link
Based on his resume... ...it doesn't appear as if Mr. Roberts has *any* experience as a judge. He's a mob lawyer, plain and simple and the mob is George Orwell's party. link
In other words, he's perfect for Bush's Supreme Court. What did you guys expect? And you just know that when the Democrats on the Judiciary Committee start making noises that don't sound like Hosannas during the confirmation hearings, Bush and his GOP goon squad are going to start bringing out the rubber truncheons and whacking the liberals on the elbow in retaliation for "partisan politics." Yeah, sounds like Bush really "consulted" with those 60 Senators and I'll bet you 55 of them were the Republicans. Lip service, as I'd said before. link
I'm trying to get as much as I can on this guy. So far, it seems that just over half of the people on Daily Kos are saying that we should be relieved that this guy isn't a raving lunatic and that the Dems should save their firepower for "extraordinary circumstances." Fuck that. The SCOTUS *is* extraordinary. link
Here we fucking go This is no compromise at all. This nomination is as "in your face" as it is possible to get. Time to strap on the gloves folks. link
I thought the gloves had been on with the Rove thing. Or was that just for show? link
I think you are right, shraby. And this pick could very well move the talk away from Rove. Gawd, Bush is such a clown. link
crazed fundie freak Robert's photo looks like a younger ashcroft. link
This is so scary!!! God I hope Reid, Boxer and the rest stand up for us! link
If you have to SHUT THE GOVERNMENT DOWN! COMPLETELY DOWN! Fillibuster *EVERYTHING* if they try to go nuclear on you! This is the fundamental battle we've all elected you to fight. This is where we expect you to fight to your fullest abilities to win! Don't let any business go through the Senate or the House unless they pull back this nomination. link
It's our worst nightmare come true. So much for all of the people who told us not to worry. Can we worry now ? link

And on and on.

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