Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Implementing a hack

With a little bit of fiddling, Blogger allows one to use "expandable post summaries". These are what you have when a paragraph or three of text is followed by a "read more" link. This link leads to an individual post page, which contains "the rest of the story". I'd like to have the rest expanded inline, but that seems not to be easily doable with Blogger. (Though they've removed the ability to stick the required tags in the post template. Maybe they've made a few other changes, and the preceding sentence is now wrong.)

In any event, since I tend to run on at the keyboard at times, I'm going to start burying chapters in the expandable summaries, and those who are interested in a particular post can click and read the rest on their own. Others won't have so many screens of text to wade through to reach the next post.

...continued in full post...

You're welcome.

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