Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Making health care fair, excellent, and affordable

Orson Scott Card proposes this as Bush's resolution for 2005. Health care used to be a lot less expensive in the "good old days". Now it costs a fortune, and house calls are no more. You go to the doctor.

The first and greatest cause of the problem is that health care is astonishingly, fantastically better than it was in those days. The reason so many people have to spent so much more money on prescription drugs is that fifty years ago there were no drugs to treat their condition. They just suffered or died. <snip> When there was nothing the doctors could do or prescribe, then from that point forward your treatment was free. In fact, the main cost savings on health care in the old days was death. Dead people don't require medical treatment. It's the most effective method of keeping medical costs down.

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