Monday, January 10, 2005

The Armstrong Williams kerfuffle

Armstrong Williams was a topic of discussion yesterday at the funeral I went to. One friend of mine was saying there's another [Presidential] impeachment in the works.

Well, OK, Williams took money to boost the "No Child Left Behind" program. He's not the only one to accept money to push something. Any number of radio hosts will read ad copy, or plug a product or service in their own words. The ethical ones make it obvious that it's a paid spot, and make it clear that they do check out any product they talk about (as opposed to rolling tape). For example, local restaurant critic Elmer Dills often advertises restaurants. But before he will read a spot about a restaurant, he'll have gone and checked it out, and he will have satisfed himself that he agrees with the copy.

It seems to me the expectation of (or demand for) Bush's impeachment over this is a sterling example of cluelessness about the political process.

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