Wednesday, November 03, 2004

"Fixing the problem with Israel"

During last night's argument, one friend of mine stated that after taking care of Afghanistan, Bush should have devoted his time and energy to fixing the Israel/Palestine problem. The question is, how do you go about doing that?

First, you need both sides wanting the problem fixed.

The bin Laden tape blames President Bush and his father for many things. Bin Laden complains about the killing of "innocents" by American and Israeli forces, although he ignores the attacks on innocents by his PLO and other terrorist friends. Israel is the main culprit in his mind, and he suggests that if the U.S. would stop supporting Israel (which would allow her enemies to invade and eliminate the nation as they have attempted to do many times), America might expect to remain safe and secure. This is a Neville Chamberlain-Adolf Hitler bargain with the devil. Nothing can be said or done that might pacify, mollify or ameliorate the decades of venom preached, taught and practiced by Jew-hating Middle Easterners, and not a few anti-Semitic Westerners.

It's hokey, but in this case, it's true. The patient has to want to change.

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