Friday, August 07, 2009

Why the hate for Palin?

This post at Reclusive Leftist examines the question.

...the other day I was over at I Blame The Patriarchy, where I was dismayed to find in the comment threads some of the same Palin-bashing that has become drearily familiar from the rest of the inner tubes.
One reason I've written as many posts as I have about Palin is because I'm so baffled by the reaction to her. I can't figure it out. It's like quantum entanglement or dark energy: I make myself sick trying to understand it and worry that I'll die before I get it sorted. (I know: Xanax.)

Of course, the first answer you'll get if you ask feminists why they hate Sarah Palin is that "it's because she ____" — and then fill in the blank with the lie of choice: made rape victims pay for their own kits, is against contraception or sex ed, believes in abstinence-only, thinks the dinosaurs were here 4000 years ago, doesn't believe in global warming, doesn't believe in evolution, is stupid and can't read, etc., etc., etc., etc.

But none of those things is true. None of them.

Which brings me to my first puzzlement: why don't people bother to find out what Sarah Palin really believes? I don't mean people as in the usual sexist freaks; I mean feminists.
Awhile ago I came up with what I think is the most plausible explanation yet when I said:

Sarah Palin is the Designated Hate Receptacle for self-described feminists. They know they're not supposed to hate other women, but they do anyway because their feminism is not quite as strong as their patriarchal brainwashing. Sarah Palin is the culture's designated Hate Receptacle.

I'm not entirely satisfied with that, but it's the best I can come up with. If we add to that the subconscious Obama resentment-transference, perhaps on a kind of sliding rheostat thing, we may be getting close to a solution.

What's alarming is that the need for a female Hate Receptacle exists, even with feminists. But that would explain why Palin haters are so reluctant to give up hating her. It would explain why they're so resistant to the truth. They don't want to find out that the lies are lies; they don't want to be disabused. They need a hate receptacle, and so they need Palin to be the sum of all things they fear.

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