Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Don't be so sure.

John Ray wanders out on a limb...

There is a huge new study of DNA just come out of the Stanford School of Medicine which showed that genetics is almost a perfect predictor of self-described race. See here. In other words whether you are black, white, Asian or Hispanic can clearly be seen in your genes. It certainly knocks on the head the Leftist idea that race is a "social construct".

Well, that's only true if Leftists are willing to admit that gene data is anything but a "social construct". Indeed, given "deconstructionism", I'm not sure if Leftists are obliged to admit that anything is anything but a "social construct."

Since, as near as I can tell, deconstructionism denies the existence of any objective truth (except, for some reason, that conservatives are racist-sexist-homophobic-fascistic-stupid-ugly-fundies – that's Gospel), mere genetic data won't change any opinions on the Left.

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